The year was 2014. Two dads having returned to university older and wiser met in class and were assigned a daunting task: come up with a viable business idea that could be built and run in Calgary that wouldn’t require Bill Gates-esque money. Mark and Kyle looked at each other – challenge accepted. Like the driving of Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, the ideas were thrown around in a fast and furious manner, but nothing really took, until that fateful day when the previously unheard of, head cocking idea of composting disposable diapers was discovered. Discussions were brief and the idea was immediately adopted after discovering the staggering numbers and potential. While the idea of two dudes starting a diaper related business raises eyebrows, with seven (now eight) kids between the two, diapers were something they both knew intimately.
Onward into 2015 and what started as a paper exercise was launched into a working business. In an ideal yin and yang situation, Kyle’s marketing, sales, and pitch man background was a perfect complement to Mark’s accounting and business background. Working seamlessly, the two dads are on a bold mission to go where no one has (or wants to go) before: to deal with the ever growing problem of diapers in the landfills. It’s a poopy job, but someone needs to do it – and these two dads are up to the challenge.
We’re sure that diapers aren’t the topic on the forefront of everyone’s mind when it comes to environmental initiatives, but we’d like to take this opportunity to overwhelm you with some staggering statistics. Let’s start with this tidbit of information: did you know that it takes a disposable diaper 400+ years to decompose in the landfill? That means that the first ever disposable diaper is still sitting in a landfill looking pretty much like it did the first day it went in!
According to Stats Canada, in 2016 there were 1.9 million diaper-aged children in Canada. That equates to 2.4 billion individual diapers entering Canadian landfills per year, amounting to more than 3.7 million tons of waste. That number increases annually by about 2%.
In Calgary alone, there are nearly 86,000 diaper aged children who will use 5,000+ diapers over the three years it takes to potty-train. That means there will be more than 100 million diapers headed to one of three Calgary landfills per year.
Through the use of specialized composting equipment, Soiled Diapers Composting can break down any brand of disposable diaper in 10-12 days! Now disposables don’t need to sit in landfills for multiple lifetimes. Contact us today to find out how you can be part of the solution!